New Features

29 June 2023


ARM Permissions restructured and reordered for clarity

We are constantly working behind the scenes to enhance and improve your experience with permissions at MYP. As part of this ongoing effort, we have implemented a new approach that categorises permissions based on the actions they control or the individuals they impact. We believe that this grouping will make it easier for you to navigate and manage permissions seamlessly. Please note that the behaviour of all permissions remain unchanged.

By organising permissions in this way, we have taken a significant stride towards our broader objective of revamping the entire permissions system at MYP. Coming up next, we are separating the permissions that relate to Contacts and Staff, so that you can have more granular control over the ability to view, create, edit and archive them.

Once this has been released it gives us the flexibility needed to work on separating what fields are shown on the Staff and Contact panels independently from one another, which we know is an extremely high priority for you to help protect the confidential information of your staff, participants and their families.

Organisation History Report’s csv export to show full name of the staff member and timestamp

We’re excited to announce an enhancement to the CSV export feature in the Organisation History Report. Now, the exported CSV file will include the full name of each staff member and a time stamp in addition to the date. This improvement provides you with more comprehensive information, allowing for better tracking and analysis of your organisation’s history. We hope this update helps you gain deeper insights and simplifies your data management processes.

Warning message when archiving a position attached to active staff members

When you try to archive a position in ARM you will now see a warning message with a list of affected staff if it is still attached to an any active, unarchived staff members. This ties into a PocketWatch update listed below that removes shifts attached to archived positions from being shown on Rosters to reduce confusion and incorrect data on both rosters and reports.

We are planning a future update to this warning that will allow you to reassign positions of affected staff and complete the archive workflow without navigating away – stay tuned!

Shifts attached to archived positions no longer appear in rosters

In line with the above update, we have resolved an issue where shifts attached to archived positions were still showing in PocketWatch. From this release, shifts attached to archived positions will no longer appear on a roster.

Downloading of PocketWatch Shift Reports made faster

We are excited to share that we have optimised our PocketWatch shift reports, resulting in a significant reduction in download time (in our testing up to 10 times faster).

New validation added to the “Total Allocated Budget ($)” field in Service Bookings

To enhance the accuracy and reliability of the “Total Allocated Budget ($)” field in Service Bookings, we have added validation. This validation is designed to handle any invalid inputs entered into the field and the system will now identify and flag any invalid entries, ensuring that only valid and appropriate values are accepted for the “Total Allocated Budget ($)” field.

For Plan Managers – Ability to edit line-item total in the Plan Managed Claim to NDIA

We recognise that discrepancies can arise between the invoice total and line-items totals, often caused by rounding-off issues in provider invoices. With our latest update you can edit the line item total when creating a claim. Whether you are creating a claim through OCR-based processing or manually, this feature gives you the ability to adjust the line item totals to ensure accuracy. Your ability to edit the line item totals at the point of claim creation will enhance the overall accuracy and integrity of your financial processes in MYP.

Appointments module now provides adhoc task entry for recording billable and non-billable activities

Our newest update to the Appointments module now allows you to record activities that occurred outside of your scheduled appointment time with a participant. An adhoc task records all of the participant’s details as well as whether the task is billable, the claim type for the underlying line item and any notes to be attached, including posting those notes to a corresponding project for that participant. When the adhoc task is completed you can then create a claim and process it in the claims page just like an appointment!

To review the features and functionality of adhoc tasks, please look at ‘Administer Adhoc Task’ in the Appointments section and our new feature videos in myHelp.