16 March 2023

Watch the recap video!

Claim Dates & Column Headers shown in Monthly Participant Statement

We have resolved an issue for our HICAPS (Lanternpay) users where claim dates were absent in your Participant’s Monthly Statements – these are now visible. To enhance the readability of the Monthly Statement, we have also added the column headers to each new page the table runs over so that your Participants can verify the line items in the Statement with ease.

For Plan ManagersBulk-remove empty line items from claims

Remove all empty line items from a claim with just a click of a button. No more hassle of reviewing each line item individually such as when OCR creates empty line items due to lack of data in the invoice. This button appears by default when there are two or more empty line items on a single claim.

Add Termination & Resignation notes in 94six

We have added both a Termination and Resignation category to the Staff Notes > Personal Discussions section to help you better record when these actions take place and make these notes easier to access.

Project sub-tasks can also be set to recur

We have fixed a pesky bug where a project task could be set to recur, but a sub-task on the same project was not recurring. Sub-tasks will now recur as intended.

Value of break in Pocketwatch shifts now defaults to zero, rather than blank

Based on community feedback, the default value of the break field in Pocketwatch is now set to zero. This will reduce the occurrence of breaks mistakenly inserted into shifts where a break was not taken.