New Features

15 November 2023


‘Quick Edit’ display for Projects and Opportunities: You can now use the “Quick Edit” function to edit details in Projects and Opportunities.

Bulk OCR: Save time and automate your processes with our Bulk OCR feature in GENIUS (Funding). Bulk OCR allows you to forward PDF invoices to a secure email address, and these PDF invoices will be automatically generated into the MYP platform. There is no need to upload individual PDF invoices manually into a claim and wait while OCR is processing anymore. With bulk OCR you can forward all invoice PDFs and the system will generate a draft claim for each in MYP as soon as the invoices have been processed.

To access this new feature, simply enable the ‘whitelist email address for BULK OCR’ toggle, which can be found under the GENIUS settings. If you haven’t already enabled OCR, be sure to do so to take advantage of this feature. We highly recommend that you read our myHelp article, where we provide a step-by-step guide to using this new Bulk OCR feature and share some best practices for its optimal utilisation.


Display of shift pop-up: We have improved the usability of viewing details of all shifts on any particular day in rosters and programs. When a user now selects the “Show More” option they will see an improved pop-up display with the ability to scroll, significantly improving the user’s experience.

Shift Client Notes report : In addition to displaying client names, roster names, shift start and end times, shift descriptions, and staff names, this new report will now also include shift notes. This enhancement ensures that shift notes are readily accessible and integrated into the report.


Renew Engagement button for PACE participants is enabled: MYP strives to keep pace with PACE and improve the platform to align with NDIS requirements as soon as possible. With the very recent decision to change PACE renewal processes, MYP has enabled the ability to renew a PACE engagement within GENIUS.