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    When creating a client engagement I get this error message – ‘A contact with this NDIS number already exists’

    This error message means that you already have a contact on the system with the same NDIS number. The most common reason is due to having an archived contact with the same NDIS number.

    To find the NDIS number in an archived client + contact:

    • In the main search bar, select the Search icon, and then select the Archived option.
    • Select the relevant archived Client when it appears in the search.
    • In Contacts panel, change the filter from ‘Existing’ to ‘Archived’, and then select the ‘Edit’ icon next to the contact.
    • In the ‘Edit contact’ page, locate the ‘Contact NDIS number’ field and review.
    • If it is the same number, you will then need to merge the client + contact with the current client + contact. Please review ‘Move + merge clients + contacts’ for steps on how to merge.

    You will now be able to create the client engagement in GENIUS.

    If the above does not apply, the contact may be archived in the current active client.

    • In Contacts panel for your current client, change the filter from ‘Existing’ to ‘Archived’, and then select the ‘Edit’ icon next to the contact.
    • In the ‘Edit contact’ page, locate the ‘Contact NDIS number’ field and review.
    • If it is the same number, you will then need to merge the contacts with the current client + contact. Please review ‘Move + merge clients + contacts’ for steps on how to merge.

    If neither of the above work and you are unable to identify the duplicate NDIS number, you can generate a report of all contacts on the system and then search for the number.

    • Navigate to ARM Pro > Export Data via the side navigation menu.
    • Select the ‘Contact’ from the ‘Form type’ drop-down menu and select ‘Download’.
    • Open the downloaded report.
    • Once the spreadsheet has opened, press Ctrl + F on your keyboard and enter in the NDIS number you are searching for.
    • Identify the duplication + search the contact in MYP.
    • Edit the contact and remove the duplicate NDIS number + select ‘Save + close’.

    I can’t find a line-item when creating an invoice or plan managed claim

    It is possible that your items have been indexed within the price book. What this means is that whenever you create an invoice or plan managed claim, the system will check the service dates entered and try to match the prices in your price books to the price that was current in your price book for that indexed period.

    The index is created whenever:
    1. A price book is updated using the bulk update process outlined in the GENIUS myHelp article:

    When this process runs, it creates a date stamp to mark when a price has changed. Any claims created for a date before this date stamp will use the price that was current in the price book between the entered start- and end date.

    2. A new price book is created

    When a new price book is created, it creates your initial index starting point. Because this is the starting point for the price book, it will not have any historical prices from before this date. As future updates are run on the price book, index points will be created and items can be loaded between dates following the creation date of this price book.

    3. New products were added to your existing price book

    Whenever a new product code is added, it creates a index point for this product. This ensures that the item can’t be claimed for a date range prior to the service being available.

    E.g. a new product is added 1st of July. Because this has previously not been available in the price book, GENIUS will filter this item out from your claims to ensure it is not inadvertently claimed for dates prior to 1st of July.

    The indexing can be removed by clearing the start + end date in the claim, search and select the item code, then re-add the dates. Note that this means the system will use the current price of the product in your price books and the price may have to be amended prior to claiming to match the price that was current for the date of the claim. This resolves itself over time as services move past the index date.

    Recommended best practice is to always use the bulk price book update to ensure indexes are kept up to date. This will ensure there is a history of prices in the existing price books and the indexing can accurately adjust prices based on the service dates entered in the claim.

    How do I update my price book?

    To update the price books, please refer to the steps outlined in the GENIUS myHelp article:

    I am unable to reconcile my invoices/claims

    There are several reasons you may not be able to reconcile your invoices/claims in GENIUS. Please check the following:

    1. Make sure the remittance file from the NDIA refers to the correct bulk upload file in column Q (BulkClmId). All GENIUS generated bulk upload files use the filename format ‘YYYYMMDD000000.CSV’. Bulk uploads can be retrieved by clicking ‘Last 20 bulk uploads’ in GENIUS.
    2. Make sure the remittance advice is being uploaded in the correct tab. If there is a validation error message stating ‘Please select ‘INVOICE TO NDIA/Plan managed claim to NDIA’, close the pop-up then select the relevant tab and upload the remittance advice again.
    3. Check that the invoices and claims in the remittance advice haven’t been deleted in GENIUS. Deleted invoices and claims can’t be reconciled.

    To correct a remittance advice where the bulk upload file in column Q is incorrect, copy the name (including the file extension .CSV) of your original bulk upload file and paste it in column Q within the remittance advice. Once the correct bulk upload file is added to column Q, re-upload the remittance advice to GENIUS and it will reconcile pending invoices/claims (NDIA Claimed/NDIA Claimed + Gap).

    NB: If the bulk upload referenced in column Q does not match a bulk upload generated by GENIUS, the file name has been changed prior to being uploaded to the NDIA portal. Please do not change the file name of bulk upload files generated via GENIUS before uploading it to the portal.

    Why am I unable to sync invoices/claims?

    If you are receiving errors when syncing your invoices/claims, please refer to the relevant error dictionary below:

    What do I do if a client’s engagement has gone through a plan review and I need to expire it early?

    The best way to manage when a client’s plan has been reviewed and ended early is to trigger an early renewal. To do so, first:

    1. Edit the existing engagement for the client
    2. In the ‘PLAN STYLE’ panel, set the plan + booking end dates to the date their plan actually ended due to the review
    3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page + select ‘Save + Close’

    This will manually expire the engagement, and enable the renewal function. Next, you can renew the engagement with the new details:

    1. Click the ‘Renew engagement’ icon
    2. Complete the engagement details with the new plan + booking dates, schedule of support, service booking + agreement
    3. Once completed, save + close the engagement

    This will now store the new plan details from the dates the new plan started, while the old plan having been expired remains available in the system for you to process older claims against that period.

    What do I do if a client’s engagement has gone through a plan review and I need to extend it?

    If the plan has been extended rather than renewed, you can follow the steps to expire the engagement outlined above. Once expired, staff with permission to ‘Edit expired engagements’ can change the plan end dates to a new future date, completing the renewal. To do so, first:

    1. Edit the expired engagement for the client
    2. In the ‘PLAN STYLE’ panel, set the plan + booking end dates to the new plan end dates
    3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page + select ‘Save + Close’

    If the plan has already been expired, it will be indicated with a grey status icon. To extend this plan:

    1. Edit the expired engagement for the client
    2. In the ‘PLAN STYLE’ panel, set the plan + booking end dates to the new plan end dates
    3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page + select ‘Save + Close’

    If the plan is still active, it will be indicated with a blue status icon. To extend this plan:

    1. Edit the expired engagement for the client
    2. In the ‘PLAN STYLE’ panel, set the plan + booking end dates to yesterday’s date
    3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page + select ‘Save’. This will expire the engagement
    4. In the ‘PLAN STYLE’ panel, set the plan + booking end dates to the new plan end dates
    5. Once completed, save + close the engagement

    If the plan has been extended but the renewal has been completed in error, the renewal icon is either yellow or green. To correct this:

    1. Edit the renewal by clicking the renewal icon for the client
    2. In the ‘PLAN STYLE’ panel, set the plan + booking start and end dates to a future date after the new extended plan dates
    3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page + select ‘Save + Close’
    4. Next, edit the existing engagement for the client
    5. In the ‘PLAN STYLE’ panel, set the plan + booking end dates to yesterday’s date
    6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page + select ‘Save’. This will expire the engagement
    7. In the ‘PLAN STYLE’ panel, set the plan + booking end dates to the new plan end dates
    8. Once completed, save + close the engagement

    Why does my client not receive the service agreement link when I selected ‘Other contact’ as the recipient?

    When selecting ‘Other contact’, the other contact is not a signatory but instead receives a copy of the service agreement for review. If they are meant to be the signatory, they will have to:

    1. Have access to the email associated with the client/representative + access the link through the email sent; or
    2. Be listed as a representative for the client

    How do I track budgets for participants who are self or plan managed?

    As self and plan managed clients are not obligated to provide you with their budgets, you can add up the fees against the line items in their schedule of support and use the total.

    The schedule of support outlines the services you are offering to your clients. These amounts are fees that your clients are agreeing to, and as such you are providing supports under the assumption that the client will have these funds available either through private funding or through their plan manager.

    To utilise GENIUS to track spending against these fees, enter the total of the schedule of support fees in the service booking budget.

    By totaling these fees and adding them to a service booking in GENIUS, you will begin receiving warnings once you have spent an excess amount from this budget.

    When trying to approve an invoice, I received the following error – ‘Category … only has stated support item bookings and this invoice does not contain the correct item(s). The stated support items are: …’

    The reason you are receiving this warning is because the invoice contains items that are not in the participant’s service booking as a stated support. A stated support item indicates that the budget is reserved to only cover that particular code and has been entered as the ‘Support item’ in the service booking.

    If the participant does not have any stated supports, clear these codes from the support item column in their service bookings, then select ‘SAVE + CLOSE’.

    If the participant does have stated supports, ensure that only these items are used in their invoices.

    Can I create multiple price books that use the same line item?

    There are no problems linked to creating multiple price books using the same items.

    How can I reconcile invoices/claims when I have incorrectly claimed to PRODA?

    When generating a bulk upload to the portal, it is critical you do not:

    1. Rename the bulk upload file prior to upload
    2. Manually claim any invoices/claims from GENIUS to PRODA

    If a claim has been made incorrectly, either by renaming the original bulk upload file or claimed manually, your remittance file will not include the correct reference for reconciliation. In this case, you will have to manually amend your remittance file to complete the reconciliation.

    Please refer to the video below to assist with reconciliation:

    What is the ‘Total allocated’ and ‘Unallocated budget’ field used for?

    The ‘Total allocated’ and ‘Unallocated budget’ fields are there for administrative purposes and are not required fields. The purpose of the total allocated budget is for clients that has more than 1 service booking, where it will automatically calculate the remaining unallocated funds as you enter each service booking.

    E.g. Client A has 2 budgets, budget 1 and budget 2. Combined they make a total budget of $10,000. You allocate $5,000 to budget 1, the unallocated budget will show that there is $5,000 remaining unallocated. You then add budget 2, allocating $2,500. The unallocated budget will show $2,500 remaining unallocated.

    The idea is that this will prompt whomever is doing the data entry to double check that the total amount is fully allocated to relevant service bookings at the time a service booking is entered, but it is not a required field and has no impact on your invoicing.

    I receive ‘This content is blocked. Contact the site owner to fix the issue’ while previewing provider invoice pdf. How do I fix it?

    This is related to the browser setting around how to manage pdf files. If you’re using Chrome, please search for ‘pdf’ in the browser settings > Site settings > Additional content settings > PDF documents > Open PDFs in chrome.

    Last updated: 15 December 2022

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